Preventing domestic abuse and sexual violence, against women and girls, at festivals and events through education, training and immediate specialist support.


A little about us…

Safer Spaces Now is the next step to creating equality and safety for all at festivals and events through education, training and providing vital, immediate and specialist support.

We use specially trained outreach teams educating and engaging festival goers, staff and vendors with β€˜zero tolerance’ and β€˜don't be a bystander’ messaging, to de-stigmatise talking about and reporting domestic abuse, sexual violence, and all forms of violence against women and girls.
Our tents are set up as a welcoming safe space where people can come and hang out, use facilities and escape to some calmness. The tents also provide a safe space for people to report incidents and get the professional support they need. We are gender informed, but gender inclusive; turning no one away, but being able to provide single gender spaces and support if required.

Our passion & mission

Why we do what we do.

Safer Spaces Now make festivals and events safe for all women and girls; creating a fun and inclusive environment, free from sexual violence and harassment.
Festival and event organisers have long overlooked the experiences of women and girls and, like all parts of our society, dismissed the issue of sexual violence - this is not acceptable and we are here to change that.

Our Primary Services

Physical Space

Our tents are welcoming & unthreatening spaces. Loaded with free glam stations and chill out areas, we provide a safe calm environment for those that need it and we are always on hand to chat about anything you might need help with.

Outreach Teams

Our experienced and specially trained outreach teams educate and engage festival goers, staff and vendors with zero tolerance messaging and safe bystander intervention. Whilst also identifying and responding to people at risk of harm and needing support, and calling out unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour.


We offer bespoke training days, policy consultancy and more, to companies and organisations that want to make sure their staff and customers are as safe as can be.

Our long term plan

Why did we setup Safer Spaces Now?

Set up as a result of personal and professional experience and exposure to the epidemic level of harassment, abuse and assaults of women and girls disclosed relating to concerts, festivals and events. The level of reluctant acceptance of it felt by women and girls.

It has to change, so we are going to change it.

Click below to volunteer today!

A little insight into our world.

We’re continually on the lookout for volunteers to join the team and brands that would love to support us and be a part of the solution.

Get in touch with us today.

We’d love to hear from you.